We are creating an online exhibition called THE WORLD TAKES A BREATH and want to bring together artistic and creative responses to our suddenly changing landscape.
Covid-19 has caused a global gasp for air. As we collectively exhale, we are grappling with the unknown realities of what will happen in the next week, month, or year. While we have become quickly familiar with the dangers, the negatives, and the problems around this global pandemic, perhaps we can also look for the positives by exploring future possibilities and capture this unfolding moment in history through art.
We want to show work that try to shine a light on a 'better future' - Can this adversity somehow unite a divided world? Are there benefits from a worldwide social and industrial shut down? Will funding for hospitals, museums, or research be easier? What can we learn from this?
Whether you’re working in film or visual arts, written word or performance, sound or music – we want to include your artistic and creative response to Covid-19.
The intent is for this to be an online-only project to help with artist's exposure at a time when all of the world's galleries are closed. This is a free community-based project without submission or inclusion fees, and we will cover any hosting costs. Depending on interest, entries, and responses, there could be future opportunities for publication and presentation.
We hope this will be a fast, emotional, and powerful response around a subject that for the first time in history the whole planet is talking about.
The provisional launch date is 15 April 2020 so please send initial expressions of interest with a brief outline of your work to us by 3 April 2020: Rob@paperplaneconsulting.com
We’d love this to reach as many people as possible so please share this far and wide with friends, colleagues, artists, and creatives.
Stay creative, be well.