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Writer's picture Paper Plane Consulting


Updated: Nov 11, 2020

PAPER PLANE embarked on a journey that would refresh the Cultural Center of Cape Cod's brand to honor the organization's maturity while keeping our friendly voice and the accessibility inherent in their core ideology: All the Arts for All of Us.

We started our process with internal and external listening sessions that guided our priorities and fundamentals. Beginning with a renewed color palette that reflects the colors of Cape Cod with a modern twist, the jewel-tone palette represents the Center as a jewel within the community, something we heard from so many constituents. We have moved to a deep peacock blue, brought in a teal reminiscent of Cape Cod waters, a yellow that reminded us of sunrise, and burgundy depicting the famous local seafood, lobster. We rounded out the palette with a marsh green and deep hydrangea purple.

We paired down and simplified the font collection to make materials more comfortable to read and incorporated those into a refreshed logo, which now always includes the tagline.

The redesign moved throughout digital and printed collateral materials, including way-finding signage throughout the campus, and creating a brand for the weekly e-blast, THE WEEKLY MUSE. We developed unique artwork templates throughout social media to apply the new color palette to different subjects or content to create a subconscious road map to ease navigation.

With deep backgrounds in the cultural sector, PAPER PLANE creatives were eager to give the Center a new website that presented its programs and exhibitions in a clean and user-focused way.

Among the Center's new website's goals, encouraging and enabling class and event participation ranked highest. PAPER PLANE's strategy for inspiring visits focused on creating a digital experience that guided users through content using onsite photography, primary and secondary menus, and connecting the user to search functions utilizing the current CRM system.

Web design for cultural institutions necessitates more emphasis on the visual browsing experience than linear narratives. Principals at PAPER PLANE know that visitors rarely read a museum's homepage from top to bottom: instead, visitors scan for the images that resonate with them the most and then click to see more. Is it part of an upcoming exhibit? Is there a lecture I can go to? We're not trying to tell a story about the Center. We want people to experience all that the Center has to offer.

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